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Stabilize your mortgage pipeline with these 5 easy tactics

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

MVA has a deep appreciation for these pressures, and know, many if not most Credit Unions and Community banks are underprepared or struggling to keep up - and you are not alone! As of early-March 2020, the world order changed almost overnight, with these changes, there was a cataclysmic mortgage disruption. With 10 year treasuries reaching all time lows, creating a dramatic rate drop and driving unprecedented mortgage volume to lenders around the country, most systems and processes may be breaking down.

Therefore, we wanted to share some important tweaks you can make to your pipeline to stabilize and gain control quickly.  These are tactics we have and are utilizing today with clients, and with measurable success.   The presentation is a 25 minute video which you can pause and consume at your own pace. 

Those organizations with limited process automation and data clarity will find easy to implement solutions which we believe will help quickly. For more digitally prepared organizations, our content related to managing crisis, and some remote management considerations may help you as well. Either way, we believe most can find some aspects or techniques that can be beneficial and quickly. We offer this freely as we believe it can help. If you like what you see, or would like to learn more, please reach out to discuss options and how MVA can help. We appreciate any feedback or patronage. Good Luck!

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